Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Becoming a Pro...

I'm back! Well, it has been over SEVEN months since my last post. Time sure does fly by! I am currently wrapping up my fourth semester as an Instructional Technology graduate student. This may have been my most challenging semester so far. Grad School + Full Time Job + New Baby + Husband + Housework + Everything Else = One Big Disaster. I am actually very proud to say that I have survived it all!

This semester, I have been learning about facilitating professional development. Teaching professional development to my colleagues is definitely out of my box. I do NOT like to get in front of a crowd. I know that this is an issue that I will have to overcome if I ever plan on being a technology facilitator for a school district. I think I'm making some progress!

As I think back to my assignments for this semester, there were definitely positive and negative experiences, but, in hindsight, I find that every experience has been a learning opportunity. As I tried to determine the current reality at my school, I took the time to interview the new principal at my school. This was enlightening because I was able to see his stance on technology use. I was excited to learn that he is definitely for it - he even recently purchased iPads for the teachers to use with their students. I completed a Professional Learning GAPSS Review based on our interview and I learned that my school is mostly performing at an emergent and operational level. I was actually impressed with the professional learning communities that were already developed at my school, but I wanted to see what areas were really lacking.  As a future technology facilitator (hopefully one day), I was interested to see how I could develop a professional development session based on technology implementation. While technology is widely available at my school, technology training is scarce.

Through my own research, I've discovered that teachers need, and want, the time to learn about new technology tools. I completed a schoolwide survey about technology and professional development and I learned that my colleagues really wanted to learn more in iRespond. I jumped into developmenting my professional learning plan, my teaching sessions, and my evaluation plan but I hit several roadblocks. I realized that developing a professional learning session would require me to be fluid and flexible to some extent. I ended up teaching my colleagues about "assessing using technology." We decided to look at iRespondNow and Google Forms. At the end of the training session, I was able to pass out an evaluation to the attendees, and I determined what the next steps should be. I am hoping to continue some trainings in these areas for my capstone project I am completing.

Overall, I do think that I am growing as a technology facilitator. I've learned about some new technology tools that I never used before - Prezi and Google Forms Flubaroo. I am becoming more comfortable with presenting in front of my colleagues. I also think I understand a  more about the process of developing professional learning. It is definitely a thought out, complicated process, but, if done the right way, the end result can be great!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

My Brain is Full of "Things" (Thing 22)

I have finally reached the end of this semester.  I wrapping up all the final details of my courses and I'm feeling pretty good about the progress I'm making as a technology facilitator.  I really enjoyed learning about Internet tools.  There were some things I was already pretty familiar with, but I also got experience in a lot of new things as well. 

This was also the first online course that I've taken.  I found the experience to be positive.  You definitely have to be disciplined to take an online course though!  I liked the way the course was set up though and I benefitted from getting to explore the tools on my own instead of learning about the tools through a lecture.

My favorite tools so far are definitely VoiceThread and screencasting.  I plan to use these tools again and again.  The tool I'm probably still least comfortable with is podcasting.  I'm not sure why, but it just doesn't sit well with me.

Overall, I'm excited about what I learned this semester and I'm also excited to see what's to come!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Newsletter Design

Description: This field experience consisted of designing and creating a weekly team newsletter that is sent home to all fourth grade parents.  The newsletter were created using technology and following design principles.  The newsletters also included tips and websites that parents would help parents incorporate technology at home.
Standards: TF-V.C (Productivity and Professional Practice)
Semester: Spring 2011
Hours:  5+ Hours (Ranging from January 2011 to Present)
Population: Created for Fourth Grade Teachers (General and Special Ed.), Parents of Fourth Graders, and Fourth Grade Students
Reflection: As I started taking my web design class, I asked my team how they would feel about a weekly newsletter.  I decided to apply some of the design principles that I had been learning in creation of the newsletter.  Also, to include another key technology element, I decided to put links and tools on the newsletter that could help parents better implement technology at home.  This field experience allowed me to hone in on designing and it allowed me to use advanced word processing skills.  As the newsletter became more detailed and included more multimedia, I was also able to apply the guidelines for fair copyright use within the newsletter.

Weekly Smartboard Lesson Development and Implementation (For Team Use)

Weekly SmartBoard Lesson Development and Implementation (for Team Use)
Description: This field experience consisted of creating and implementing writing and math lessons and supplementary activities using SmartBoard Notebook software that could be used to guide and support the team’s instruction in their own classroom.  SmartBoard files were created and accessible to all teachers on the fourth grade team.  Lessons included interactive activities, links to video clips and games, and charts for students to reference.  All materials were standards-based. 
Standards: TF-II.A – F (Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experience); TF-III.A – E (Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum)
Semester: Spring 2011
Hours: 10+ Hours (Ranging from January 2011 to Present)
Population: 4th Grade Team Teachers (General Ed. and Special Ed./4th Grade Students (Diverse – Including Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners)
Reflection: This field experience allowed me to gain deeper knowledge in creating content-based Smartboard files.  It also encouraged and supported technology use through out the fourth grade classrooms.  This helped me gain leadership experience, because I was modeling and guiding implementation of the lessons.  Standards for writing and math were determined in a curriculum mapping team meeting; therefore, I based the Smartboard files on our previous discussions.  Ultimately, technology resources were available for the use of the teachers in the 3rd and 4th quarters of the school year.  Reflecting back on the standards, this experience not only allowed me to design and plan technology-enhanced lessons, but I also got to implement the plans and strategies in my own classroom with my students.  The impact of the students was great as they were motivated to participate in mini-lessons and activities and they were involved in technology use.

Data Analysis Team Lead

Data Analysis Team Lead
Description: This field experience consisted of the following roles: preparation of data analysis sheets and assessments using available technology, collection, analysis , and interpretation of team wide data, facilitation of team discussions and meetings about data and strategies, collaboration with administration in regards to team data, and reflection through meeting minutes.
Standards: TF-IV.A, TF-IV.B (Assessment and Evaluation)
Semester: Spring 2011
Hours: 10+ Hours (Ranging from January 2011 to Present)
Population: 4th Grade Team Teachers (General Ed. and Special Ed.)
Reflection: This field experience gave me the opportunity to take a leadership role on my fourth grade team.  At our school, each grade level collaborates on Data Teams.  During Data Teams, the teachers determine what area the students did not master in previously taught standards.  We choose one area to focus on and improve in a three to six week range.  As the Data Analysis Team Lead, I facilitated the Data Team meetings as well as created collected, analyzed, and interpreted data results.  This was done using technology resources available at the school.  This opportunity directly aligns with the Assessment and Evaluation Technology Facilitation Standards.  By completing this field experience, I was able to develop the necessary skills to guide a team of teachers through data and assessment analysis.  I learned that, as the lead for the team, it is important to maintain an enthusiastic attitude while also being very supportive.  For some teachers, item analysis, grade wide averages, and excel sheets can be overwhelming.  Some teachers need flexibility as well as patience as they might not be as comfortable with technology use and data analysis as others.  The student impact is evident.  Our team chose to focus on dividing 3-digit by 2-digit numbers and fractions.  As the students were very level from the results of the initial pre-test, there has been monumental growth through the strategies that we developed and discussed during Data Team meetings.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

VoiceThread Demonstration

Description: This field experience consisted of using the technology tool VoiceThread in my own classroom to gain experience using the tool in the classroom.  Then, I shared the lesson I created with my team and demonstrated the use of VoiceThread in the classroom.  This field experience allowed me to gain knowledge in technology leadership and further my expertise in a technology tool.
Standards: TF-1.A, TF-1.B (Technology Operations and Concepts), TF-II.A - E (Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences), TF-III.A – E (Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum), TF-IV.A (Assessment and Evaluation)
Semester: Spring 2011
Hours:  1 Hour
Population: Fourth Grade Teachers (General and Special Ed.)
Reflection: I created a VoiceThread lesson for my students, because I found the experience to be enjoyable for myself and I wanted to see how my students could use VoiceThread to further their understanding.  I also wanted to develop a lesson so I could test it out in my classroom.  Then, share my experiences with other teachers so they too would want to use the Internet tool with their students.  After implementing the lesson, my students were very excited.  They really enjoyed using VoiceThread and I knew that other teachers would be on board after they saw the enthusiasm from my students.  I shared the tool with my team at a team meeting.  I explained how to create a sign in for VoiceThread and took them through the steps of creating their own discussions that students could comment on.  I answered any questions and concerns they had as well as showed them the example from my class so they could see what the end result may look like.